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Changzhou marching into the graphene industry
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  The ground-breaking ceremony of Jiangnan Institute of Graphene and Changzhou Graphene Scientific Industrial Park was held on the morning of October 18th. Fan Yanqing, Party Secretary of Changzhou, stated that the construction of these two projects plays a key role in not only the establishment of the innovative science park at state level, but also the realization of an innovative and modern industrial Changzhou.
  Xu Nanping, Academician of Chinsese Academy of Engineering, Assistant Governor of Jiangsu and Director of Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Department, and Fan Yanqing, jointly inaugurated the Jiangnan Institute of Graphene. Zhao Yuhai, Director of Hi-Tech Department of the Ministry of Science, unveiled the foundation stone of Changzhou Graphene Scientific Industrial Park together with Fan.




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