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Latest update on COVID-19 cases in Jiangsu province
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Between 00:00 and 24:00 of November 4, one inbound asymptomatic carrier was reported in Jiangsu province.

At present, five confirmed cases are under isolated treatment at designated hospitals (three local and two inbound patients), and three asymptomatic carriers (two inbound and one local) are under medical observation.

From January 22, 2020 to November 4, 2021, a total of 1,603 confirmed COVID-19 cases (including 148 inbound ones) had been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively.

As of 24:00 of November 3, there had been four high-risk and 58 medium-risk areas across the Chinese mainland.

Changzhou currently has three medium-risk areas: the residential areas of Jiuzhou Xinshijie Huayuanjunxi and South Gongrenxincun in Lanling sub-district of Tianning district, and the Hutang Yucheng residential area in Wujin district.

Experts note that:

With new confirmed cases reported in the Chinese mainland, we must remain vigilant in light of the complexity of epidemic control and the challenges brought by the Delta variant with fast spread and rapid replication in the human body and long time needed to turn negative. Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their health. We shall not slacken the effort to beat COVID-19. It is necessary to continue with protective measures and closely follow the information on dynamics of the virus and changes to medium and high-risk regions from official sources.

The implemented health protocols are as follows:

1. Please provide needed information in time and support COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Avoid unnecessary trips to overseas areas, medium and high-risk regions, and regions where locally confirmed cases occur. Those coming or returning to the province from areas with locally confirmed cases or those whose travel histories overlap any confirmed cases should inform their employers, communities, or hotels upon arrival as soon as possible. Please cooperate in providing information, taking nucleic acid tests, and undergoing isolated medical observation.

2. Seek inoculation. It is the most effective way against COVID-19 as it helps build herd immunity, mitigate the pandemic’s impacts, and end its spread. People eligible for vaccination, with no contraindications, should all be inoculated. Those in high-risk situations are advised to get a COVID-19 booster vaccine in time.

3. Maintain routine prevention and control. Keep the mask on, especially in crowded places with poor ventilation, as fall and winter bring about a higher incidence of respiratory infections. Please cooperate in temperature checks and keep a one-meter distance away from others when you are in public areas such as malls, restaurants, hotels, cinemas, and gyms. Properly wear your mask when taking an elevator or public transport and when going to hospitals where you may meet patients with fever or respiratory symptoms. Medical practitioners and transport practitioners in high-risk conditions should especially follow this rule.

4. Increase awareness of personal prevention. Maintain good habits for health such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms more often, reducing gatherings, using serving chopsticks, and dining separately. Seek medical treatment in line with regulatory procedures when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, reduced sense of smell and taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye), muscle pain, and diarrhea show. Keep the mask on and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment. Inform medical staff of your whereabouts and contact history over the previous 14 days.


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