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English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
Part II of Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
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銆€銆€Article 5 Aliens within Chinese territory may invite Chinese religious personnel to conduct such religious ceremonies as baptism锛� weddings锛� funerals锛� Taoist and Buddhist rites.
銆€銆€Article 6 Aliens entering Chinese territory may carry religious printed matter锛� religious audio-visual products and other religious articles for personal use锛� if the amount of such religious printed matters锛� religious audio-visual products and other religious articles is greater than for personal use锛� it shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Chinese Customs. Religious printed matter or religious audio-visual products whose contents are detrimental to the public interests of Chinese society are forbidden to bring into Chinese territory.
銆€銆€Article 7 Aliens within Chinese territory shall recruit the persons to study abroad to be trained as religious personnel锛� or come to study or teach at Chinese religious institutions in accordance with the relevant provisions of China.
銆€銆€Article 8 Aliens who conduct religious activities within Chinese territory shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations锛� shall not establish religious organizations锛� set up religious offices锛� sites for religious activities or run religious institutions within Chinese territory锛� not may they develop followers锛� appoint religious personnel or engage in other missionary activities.




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