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German media delegation visits Changzhou
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On the morning of April 21st, the program of "German Media Sees Changzhou" was inaugurated. Mayor Fei Gaoyun met with the delegation of Robert Bosch Stiftung and German media in the Administration Center.

Fei welcomed the delegation on behalf of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government. He pointed out that over the years the number of German-invested enterprises in Changzhou has reached 155, while 18 Changzhou enterprises have invested in 23 projects in Germany. Changzhou has established sister city relationship with Essen, Germany, and the two sides have co-founded the Sino-German Innovation Park in Changzhou Science & Education Town. The 20 billion yuan China-Germany Fund jointly set up by Jiangsu Provincial Government and Changzhou Municipal Government also has been approved. In addition, Changzhou has carried out cooperation and exchanges with German cities in fields of health care, education, elderly care and culture. Fei hoped to promote the process of internationalization of the city through the program of "German Media Sees Changzhou," as well as deepening the bilateral friendship and expanding exchanges and cooperation to achieve win-win development.

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major German foundations associated with a private company and has managed the philanthropic bequest of company founder Robert Bosch for over 50 years. Indeed it was his entrepreneurial vision, political farsightedness, moral fortitude and charitable initiatives that set the standards for the work of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. With the program “Media Ambassadors China – Germany,” the Robert Bosch Stiftung in cooperation with the International Media Center places special emphasis on the encounter of media professionals from both countries. The program fosters a better mutual understanding through high quality reporting.

City leaders Xu Ying and Xu Guanghui were present at the meeting.

During the two-day visit, the delegation visited the Changzhou Maker’s Space, the Creative Industries Base, Changzhou Science and Education Town, the Oriental Salt Lake Resort, etc.


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