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Jintan builds another highway to Liyang
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Jintan is currently constructing another highway to Liyang, the Zhibie (Zhixi-Bieqiao) Highway. The first-phase project in Zhulin Town with a length of 1.975 km has been completed.

Along with the rapid development of the economies of Jintan and Liyang, the present two highways connecting the two cities can barely afford the traffic surge. To ease the traffic pressure, Liyang started the planning and construction of the Zhibie Highway. The first section is a six-lane, two-way road with an investment of over 100 million yuan.

According to reports, the total length of the highway is more than 20 kilometers, starting from Yanling, Danyang, passing through Zhixi and Zhulin of Jintan, and ends at Bieqiao, Liyang. The design speed is 60 km/h.


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