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2020 China (Changzhou) Digital Economy Development & Cooperation Conference opens in CND 
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On December 3, the 2020 China (Changzhou) Digital Economy Development & Cooperation Conference was held in the Creative Industries Park of Changzhou National High-Tech District (CND).

The conference, focusing on the 5th generation mobile network (5G), artificial intelligence (AI) and integrated circuit (IC), invited well-known experts and industrial elites to have an in-depth discussion in terms of the digital transformation of production, finance, public administration, creativity, healthcare, communications, etc.
The participants, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Dr. Shen Changxiang and Dr. Tan Jianrong, as well as CND’s Party Secretary Zhou Bin, delivered keynote speeches.

Zhou Bin pointed out that one-third of the city’s foreign-invested enterprises and high-tech companies are located in CND. These businesses have featured the district with industrial clusters of photovoltaic (PV), new materials, new energy vehicles, next-generation information technologies, new medical devices and pharmaceuticals, and modern services, said Zhou, highlighting that the district’s GDP will reach the 160 billion yuan mark by the end of 2020.

In recent years, Changzhou has launched a number of high-quality projects in applications of 5G, big data, AI, Industrial Internet and smart city technologies, weaving the three key networks for transportation, energy and information with outstanding features. Transiting from factor-driven to innovation-driven development, CND aims to build itself into a hotspot for technological innovation, industrial development and worldwide cooperation in digital economy.

At the conference, 12 key projects with total investment of 1.5 billion yuan were signed to settle within CND, which are involved in the areas of digital taxation, AI, Internet of Things (IoT), smart healthcare, 5G application scenarios, chip R&D, intelligent transportation system (ITS), smart energy management, etc.


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