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Delegation of ICC Australia visits Liyang
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On the morning of May 15, Jiang Feng, deputy party secretary and acting mayor of Liyang, and Pan Yunfang, deputy party secretary of Liyang, received the delegation headed by Ken Smith, consultant of International Chamber of Commerce Australia (ICC Australia) and former Speaker of the House of Victoria.

Jiang extended warm welcome to the Australian delegation, and briefed the current situation of Liyang’s social and economic development. He invited Smith and his delegation to have an all-round investigation in Liyang and give valuable suggestion or advice concerning the city’s economic development and environmental protection. Moreover, he hoped Smith would look for some cities in Victoria that may establish friendship-city relationship with Liyang, so as to carry out in-depth exchanges in tourism, education, agriculture, etc.

Smith expressed thanks to the hospitality of Liyang and the deep impression the beautiful natural environment has left on him. He said that Victoria and Jiangsu has been twined for 35 years, and he would try his best to help Liyang find a friendship city in Victoria, so as to promote further cooperation and win-win development between the two sides.  


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