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Changzhou and La Serena signs letter of intent on friendship-city relationship
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On April 25, the delegation headed by Yang Shuaixing, deputy director of Changzhou Municipal People's Congress, visited La Serena, Chili, and signed a Letter of Intent regarding the establishment of friendship-city relationship between Changzhou and La Serena. The two sides agreed on promoting friendly exchanges and cooperation in fields of finance, education, culture, technology, etc. Leng Tong, chief journalist of Xinhua News Agency in Chili made a cover report of this event.

La Serena is a city and commune in northern Chile, capital of the Coquimbo Region. It has a communal population of 198,164 (2012 census, and 400,000 for the Greater La Serena) area, the country's fourth largest conurbation (pop. 300,000, 2002 census). The city is located on ocean terraces, which are clearly noticeable from the coastal area, through downtown to the eastern sector Vicuña way. In the last decades, tourism has turned into one of the most important economic activities. The population doubles in the summer months, principally for the beaches, recreational activities, musical festivals, concerts, and Fashion Week.  


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