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Liyang ranks 47th of China’s Top 100 Industrial Counties/Cities
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Recently, the 2015 China’s Industrial Development Report edited by China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) under the direction of the Planning Division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been released. The list of 2014 China’s Top 100 Industrial Counties/Cities was announced in the report for the first time, in which Liyang ranks the 47th.

Last year, Liyang witnessed its total industrial output value surpassing 200 billion yuan and the industrial value-added output above designated size reaching 33.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 12.2% and 11.3% respectively.

The list of Top 100 Industrial Counties/Cities is made in accordance with the evaluation system of industrial economy development in county-level regions, including indicators of basic conditions, operational performance, vitality of development, etc. It reflects the country’s industrial and manufacturing development against the backdrop of “Made in China 2025”.


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