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Liyang to establish friendship-city relationship with Chatham-Kent, Canada
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On June 23rd, Changzhou Municipal Foreign Affairs Office received the reply from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), approving Liyang’s proposal of establishing a friendship-city relationship with Chatham-Kent, Canada.

Chatham-Kent is is a single-tier municipality in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, covering an area of 2,949 square kilometers, with a population of about 108,000. It is the manufacturing center in Ontario, enjoying advantages in industries such as advanced manufacturing, health, high valued-added agriculture, business support services, new energy, tourism, etc. Its automotive sector, in particular, involves many manufacturers of light vehicle, medium-duty truck, heavy-duty truck and auto parts. Chatham-Kent is also an innovation corridor of Ontario, gathering a number of R & D institutions like Waterloo Automotive Research Center, Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited, etc. It also has a first-class logistics infrastructure, facilitating five routes to enter the United States directly within an hour.

On April 19th, 2013, Chatham-Kent signed the Letter of Intention to establish a friendship-city relationship with Liyang.


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