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发布日期:2024-01-17  来源:中国驻法国大使馆、上海外事  浏览次数:  字号:〖


Q: Firstly, do foreigners who apply the visa free policy to come to China need to apply in advance through the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad?


Answer: Foreigners who meet the conditions are eligible for visa free policies and do not need to declare to the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad in advance when coming to China.


Q: Will Chinese border inspection agencies and how do they verify the reasons for coming to China? Do you need to bring any other documents besides your passport when entering the country?


Answer: Foreigners who come to China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, or transit in accordance with the visa free policy shall enter China after being inspected and allowed by the Chinese border inspection authorities in accordance with the law. For foreign nationals whose reasons for coming to China do not comply with the visa exemption policy or have other legally prohibited entry situations, the border inspection authorities will make a decision to prohibit entry in accordance with the law. It is recommended to bring proof materials such as invitation letters, flight tickets, hotel orders, etc. that match the reason for coming to China. Personnel who come to China for work, study, interviews, and reporting are not eligible for visa exemption.


Q: Is there any special requirement for minors to apply the visa free policy when coming to China?


Answer: Minors and adults have the same conditions for applying visa free policies to come to China.


Q: Are there any requirements for the type and validity period of entry documents?


Answer: Foreigners are required to bring a valid ordinary passport to China, which must meet the travel requirements in China. Foreigners holding documents other than ordinary passports, such as travel permits, temporary or emergency documents, are not eligible for visa free policies when coming to China.


Q: How to calculate the 15 day stay period?


Answer: Foreigners who meet the conditions for visa free entry to China can stay continuously until 24:00 on the 15th calendar day from the date of entry.


Q: Is it possible to depart from a country which is not the home country of passport holder?


Answer: Foreigners who meet the visa free entry requirements can depart from any country (region) outside of China.


Q: Is it applicable to other entry methods besides air transportation?


Answer: Unilateral visa exemption applies to all sea, land, and air ports open to foreigners (except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations, or bilateral arrangements). If you come to China by self-owned transportation, you should also follow relevant Chinese laws and regulations to complete the procedures for entering and exiting the country.


Q: Can tourist groups apply for visa free entry?


Answer: Foreigners who meet the visa free entry requirements can apply the visa free policy to enter China, whether they are participating in tourism groups or personal travel.


Q: If the duration of stay in China exceeds 15 days, is it possible to apply for an extension?


Answer: Foreigners who intend to stay in China for more than 15 days should apply for a visa in advance at the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad that matches the purpose of their visit. If it is necessary to continue staying in China for reasonable and legitimate reasons after applying for the visa free policy upon entry, an application for a stay or stopover should be submitted to the entry and exit management agency of the public security bureau.


Q: Is it possible to enter multiple times, are there any requirements for entry time intervals, and are there restrictions on visa free times and total stay days?


Answer: If foreigners meet the conditions for visa free entry to China, they can apply the visa free policy multiple times to come to China. Currently, there are no restrictions on the number of visa free times and the total number of stay days, but they should be careful not to engage in activities that do not match the reasons for entry.

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